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Sarah Whitebloom
Jun 25, 20183 min read
Care Homes get worse under CQC's gaze
"We are invisible" - said one care home resident
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Sarah Whitebloom
Jun 15, 20183 min read
Failing the Mum test: Priory Group's Knottingley home slammed in CQC report
In a truly upsetting report, the Knottingley-based home is seen as desperately short of staff.
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Sarah Whitebloom
Jun 9, 20183 min read
Where was the CQC when vulnerable residents were injured on its watch?
We looked at the care records of a person who had presented with physical aggression that had resulted in
another vulnerable person sufferin
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Sarah Whitebloom
Jun 2, 20181 min read
CQC: Nothing to Report
There are some 16,000 care homes in England and the regulator usually issues dozens of reports a week - some shocking, some critical,...
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Sarah Whitebloom
Jun 1, 20183 min read
Wild West Sussex bans 'independent' Board sympathy for abuse-case families
In a series of emails seen by OLM, WSCC's tactics are laid bare - casting a shocking light on the council’s strategy of stone-walling th
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Sarah Whitebloom
May 27, 20183 min read
When we said 'Good', we meant 'Bad' - CQC reverses ratings on care homes
Could it be that the inspectors failed to notice problems a year ago? Or could it be that they were not there?
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Sarah Whitebloom
May 20, 20185 min read
Authorities fail to notice serious care home failings - Worst Homes of Week
Concerns about the awareness and effectiveness of the authorities do not in any way excuse bad care
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Sarah Whitebloom
May 12, 20185 min read
CQC to shut Fawlty Towers care home
From the dry report emerged a figure better placed in fiction - the dictatorial, angry and insensitive owner/manager
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Sarah Whitebloom
May 11, 20182 min read
The CMA can act over scandal of fees for bad care homes - but you must complain
So problems on a postcard to the CMA
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Sarah Whitebloom
May 11, 20183 min read
'Wild' West Sussex refuses to say sorry to abuse-case families for its mistakes
The report even questioned whether the case would have been handled differently had the men not had disabilities
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Sarah Whitebloom
May 4, 20181 min read
Best Care Home of the Week: Northview Lodge, Sunderland
It may sound weird for OLM, but credit where it is due: Britain's biggest homes group, HC-One, has turned Northview Lodge in Sunderland...
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Sarah Whitebloom
May 4, 20184 min read
Care Residents left at risk - despite Regulator knowing care home is unsafe
It never fails to shock that older and vulnerable people live in unsafe and disgusting conditions. It is so much worse when the...
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Sarah Whitebloom
Apr 30, 20183 min read
Ministers must investigate 'serious' West Sussex failings over care of two injured disabled
Ms Keeley said: ‘This report is a damning account of serious multi-agency failure in the cases of Gary Lewis and Matthew Bates, for which no
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Sarah Whitebloom
Apr 29, 20183 min read
Understaffed, unclean and unsafe. Tales from the Worst Homes of the Week: Queens Care Centre, Rother
A relative told the inspectors: 'If my family member is sat there day after day in the wrong wheelchair, without her glasses, in someone
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Sarah Whitebloom
Apr 27, 20182 min read
Sussex Healthcare: Can it get any worse? ...Yes.
Both homes have been named by WSCC has having significant safeguarding concerns and yet they are still home to more than 60 adults.
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Sarah Whitebloom
Apr 24, 20183 min read
Warnings for weeks about crisis-hit Perranporth care home.
As of last autumn, Devon and Cornwall police had not prosecuted anyone for care abuse under the relevant act.
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Sarah Whitebloom
Apr 24, 20184 min read
Care Protect Tactic #1: Attack. Tactic #2: Pretend it never happened
Given the sheer number of Care Protect's online messages, there can be no doubt that the debate is vocal if not open...those who are not
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Sarah Whitebloom
Apr 21, 20184 min read
Exceptional Care. Are they kidding? CQC slams 'highest quality' (Inadequate) Merstone Hall
Merstone Hall's use of pictures does raise a smile - for sheer chutzpah.
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Sarah Whitebloom
Apr 18, 20181 min read
Pretending Bad Care doesn't exist will not help the many Good Carers - Forum
Criticising bad care is good for Good Carers. Poor care is bad for everyone
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Sarah Whitebloom
Apr 14, 20183 min read
The Best of Care, The Worst of Care - OLM best and worst homes of the week
Best home of the week Red Oaks, Worst homes of the week Orchard Lodge, Horsham and Duchess Gardens, Bingley
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