What a difference a day made. In just one day, yesterday, more than 62 per cent of care homes in England failed their official inspections with one in five actually receiving the worst possible mark from CQC inspectors - Inadequate.
The fourteenth of September must surely have been some sort of ghastly record for the CQC with 45 reports published – 28 of which raised concerns, including eight with very serious failings. These were:

Prestbury, Macclesfield
Vicarage Court, Burntwood
Two Gates House, Halesowen
The Dell, Manchester
Copper Beeches, Newark
The Limes Norwich
Angel Court, Walsall
Greengates, Westbury
Scarletts, Colchester
None of these covered themselves with glory. Prestbury managed an unimpressive four bad marks. But the worst on what was a black day was Scarletts, an Essex County Council home, which was deemed to be failing in all five categories – Safety, Leadership, Effectiveness, Caring and Responsiveness.
According to the CQC, Scarletts is home to 40 older people including some with dementia and other complex needs. But residents were at risk, the culture was not good, there were not enough staff, cleanliness was poor and many other concerns were raised. Residents’ relatives complained that they were often dressed in other people’s clothes and one said her relative had not had her hair washed for four weeks.
Not a day to remember for the care industry.