Each week Older Living Matters nominates a worst care home(s) of the week - based on reports from the Care Quality Commission. We do this, to try to expose the routine and appalling conditions in many homes and the poor care delivered by apparently respectable and sometimes well-known care firms.
Now, we are asking for nominations for the worst home of the year. It may be a home where your relative lives, or where you live, it may be a place where you work or it may just be a local establishment with which you are familiar. If you think it's terrible and deserves to be named and shamed, then send in a nomination. You need to give full details of the home and say why you think it is the worst home of the year. Please email nominations here.
We will also be naming the worst care provider of the year and the worst big provider of 2017. So, if you have an organisation you would like to nominate, send an email and tell us why.
All entries will be considered by the panel of expert judges - so there is no need to vote more than once! Voting will be open until Christmas day and nominations will be in the strictest confidence - unless you tell us you want to be named. We are not having categories for the best home of the year and best provider - because there are already competitions for this.
The prize for the nomination will be the satisfaction.